The Community Engagement Edition: Tasmania Reads Week and the Low Carbon Launceston Survey. Plus, Cox's Orange Pippins (the quintessential Tasmanian apple) and some long-awaited returns. We love our community. However you choose to define the community you belong to,...
Harvest Blog Archive
At Harvest | 16 March, 2024
10 Years of the Tomato and Garlic Festival! Plus, A new stallholder, the long weekend bounce back, Female innovation in farming and Tasmania Reads Week. If we thought February wouldn't quit, March is backing it up hard. This week, it's the turn of the Tasmanian Tomato...
At Harvest | 9 March, 2024
The long weekend, autumnal vibes, pumpkins and squash, and a PSA. It's the March long weekend! With the forecast looking finer than fine (spare a thought for the farmers) there is just heaps to enjoy around the state, but it all starts at Harvest. This Long Weekend at...
At Harvest | 2 March, 2024
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaamb! Lamb. Plus, knowing farmers, daffodils, and The Sustainable Living Festival We haven't seen lamb for some time at the market, Which is why we're delighted to welcome new stallholder to to the Harvest family. Please put your hooves together and join...
At Harvest | 24 February, 2024
Black Garlic and the Sustainable Living Festival - keepin' it simple. Sort of. We love it when a stallholder slings us a new product and says, cook with this. This week, Robyn at A Pinch of Tasmania tossed us some black garlic and said precisely that. Right now, you...
At Harvest | 17 February, 2024
Changing seasons and changing times. Plus, seafood accessories and what to expect from 2024 Although it doesn't look like it's out the window right now, summer is technically drawing to a close. The changing of the seasons always gives us pause here in the Harvest...
At Harvest | 10 February 2024
Seasonal dyslexia, summer isn't over, the Festivale wash-up and yet another big weekend for the North. There is a lot going on in everyone's world, and sometimes, even the seasoned among us make an error as the weekend approaches. We'll let you know more about that in...
At Harvest | 3 February, 2024
Surprise apricots! Plus, peak tomato, cherries' final throws, enter celeriac, and the Festivale rundown and more light reading. It's Festivale Weekend! Which, again, means that we're pretty certain this edition might not enjoy the same high click rate that is the...
At Harvest | 27 January 2023
It's a long weekend! However you're choosing to mark it, we hope it is filled with great food and people you love or at least like. With today being a public holiday, we are acutely aware that this edition of the newsletter may not quite have the readership it usually...
At Harvest | 20 January 2023
Another huge January market! 60 stalls of goodness. Plus, a national conversation that we can get around. January continues to roll along at a clip, and we couldn't be more pleased about it. Our patron numbers are up on this time last year, and our stallholder roster...
Summer At Harvest | 13 January 2024
We're loving summer! Harvest is at peak produce, peak productivity, and peak condition. All your favourites (bar one) are rostered on for a huge on this week. How long will summer's glow last? We can't be sure. But you, dear reader, can be sure we'll drag it out as...
At Harvest | 6 January 2024
It's 2024! A big start to the year with the bounce back, triple-cherry-action apricots strengthen, and good things to come. We ended 2023 at Harvest on a towel with a tin by the beach; now we’re beginning 2024 refreshed, primed and ready for a big year. We have some...