Duck, Jackjumpers, ABLED Kitchen preview and an OG Craft Beer Pioneer.
Willie. Where to begin with Willie and Seven Sheds? There would be a gaping chasm in the stallholder content without acknowledging Harvest’s – indeed, one of Tasmania’s -OG craft beer pioneers. Does he really own seven sheds? I asked him and yes he does. Not even Willie is certain how long he has been bringing his carefully crafted brews to Harvest. Sometime in the opening year, but it seems irrelevant now. Willy, Catherine and Seven Sheds are part of the furniture. Willie’s small-batch European style beers feature unique flavour profiles bought about through traditional fermentation techniques and skilful, creative ageing, and on-site hop growing. This makes them excellent for food matching. High praise for an independent local brewer. Quick of wit and sharp of banter, we can say hand on heart that on the extremely rare occasion he misses a Saturday it simply isn’t the same. We love Seven Sheds, join us in celebrating their contribution to Harvest and your community. Now, It’s beer time.
It’s easy to focus on the incredible produce, products and food on offer every week at Harvest, but it is worth remembering that so much of what we eat comes from plants. And Harvest sells plants. In fact, Harvest has been recognised as an excellent place to buy plants in this article here by Jamie for Plants, flowers, and at the moment bulbs from Tas Daffodils all feature year-round at Harvest in various forms, and there is no better place to buy your edibles the from Plants Direct. Thanks Jamie for the write-up!
There is also plenty keeping us busy as summer ebbs and autumn flows. We have live cooking coming up with Eat Well Tasmania, we have the amazing Sandy’s Sourdough, FermenTAS and St. Giles bringing us ABLED Kitchen later in March, a wonderful cause. Plus one or two other exciting bits we can’t say too much about for now, but keep an eye out for some fresh ideas and funky ferments coming up.
If you’ve come this far, you probably want to know what’s happening at the Market this week. Well, we’d be delighted to share. Preheating our oven this week is the monthly Black Barn Hill, who are hoping to make more regular appearances. Fingers crossed for that incredible lamb. Jordan from Hillwood Fresh Food Co is still bringing you his grass-fed prime beef. We hurried to pick some up last week and it is truly amazing. Tas Daffodils, continue their seasonal run. Plus everyone’s favourite duck buddy Matt at Strellyfield is around, as are Hazelbrae Hazelnuts.
If you’re keen for a little Saturday night crowd-pleaser, grab yourself a base from Takin’ it Home, drizzle it with Coronea Grove olive oil, slap some Oldway Farm bacon, some TNGT tomatoes, and some Red Cow Persian feta on that bad boy and you’ve got yourself a pizza baby! Speaking of crowd-pleasers, keep an eye out for our lobster roll and basil mayo recipe coming soon!
We have the delightful Lilly and Greer returning to the SOMA stage this week, alongside Swingmania and their wonderful troupe. Plus the Jack Jumpers Jump Squad will be roaming the market and performing their acrobatic feats throughout the morning. Super exciting!
Harvest is continually looking to expand our engagement with the community. Our focus for 2022 is extending our Volunteer Program into community organisations to increase the breadth and depth of an already amazing pool of people. Are you part of an amazing community or not-for-profit organisation? If so, email us to sign up to our Community Engagement Program and let us work together to nourish and sustain our collective wellbeing. Or if you simply want to become a local food hero, you can sign up to volunteer at Harvest here.
We wish it was but sometimes life isn’t all beer and skittles. We’re sorry to report numerous late scratchings this week with Brady’s, Tamar Valley Pastured Eggs, Tassie Hemp, Avocado Moon, and Thirlstane Gardens all out for a myriad of reasons. We never like to miss out on such goodness, but we write to you in the best of times and the worst of times nonetheless.
Pictured: Wille Simpson – Seven Sheds Brewery, Railton. Taken at Harvest by Heidi.
Willie jokes made – 0 (for better or for worse)