by rhys | Sep 25, 2021 | Harvest Recipes
The asparagus season in Tasmania can be short, unpredictable, and limited. But what a joy it is anyhow! Asparagus is the harbinger of springtime and its beautiful earthy crunch is a fleeting treat for a few weeks each year. I use them every which way I can in season....
by rhys | Sep 15, 2021 | Harvest Recipes
Featuring:Lentara Grove EV olive oilHazelbrae HazelnutsThe Dales apple flour (available through Brady’s Lookout)Windara Apples This gluten-free, dairy-free cake is as delicious as it is simple. With a cup of Earl Grey and a drizzle of pouring cream (if you...
by rhys | Aug 20, 2021 | Harvest Blog Archive
In delicious news this week, check out this goodness from Rae at Delicious Little Things! Gorgeously silky and featuring Hazelbrae Hazelnuts this next-level caramel slice is the perfect elevensies sweet treat 🤤 Hey Hey it’s Saturday! By...
by rhys | Aug 20, 2021 | Harvest Blog Archive
We’re always excited to meet new Harvesters! This week we have the pleasure of introducing Hazelnuts on Hythe, who’ll be furnishing us with hazelnuts and saffron for our enjoyment. Delicious! Bring the noise! We know you love the vibe the SOMA...