Harvest Recipes

Daikon Relish

Daikon Relish

Featured Producers/Products - Laos Fresh Farm - Thirlstane Gardens What does one do with 90cms and 3kg of daikon? There are only so many salads and pickles one can eat! This Asian staple veg can be daunting, and if ill-prepared can taste dirty and vaguely sulphurous....

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Mushroom Ragu and Tilsit Omelette

Mushroom Ragu and Tilsit Omelette

Featuring Produce/Products From: Mr. Brown and Town’s, West Tamar Fungi, Hillwood Fresh Food Co. Red Cow Organics Tamar Valley Pasteurised EggsEden Garden Microfarm I love omelette. Love it. I’ve served literally thousands and still love it. The French say omelette is...

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Sherry Berry Sauce

Sherry Berry Sauce

Featuring Ranui berries from Sheffield Berry Gardens Similar to boysenberries or blackberries, Ranui berries are rich and sweet, with a mild tannin that lends itself to savoury condiments. Quick, easy, fruity, and aromatic, this sauce is the perfect...

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Shallot Dressing

Shallot Dressing

This dressing is so versatile it's comical. I’ve used it to dress salads, grains, meats, fish, eggs, even savoury danishes! The shallots deliver an umami punch in a way that’s unexpected, into dishes where it might be lacking. Using good local olive oil delivers a...

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