by rhys | Nov 4, 2021 | Harvest Blog Archive
Harvest needs your votes! In the Great Regional Cities Challenge and in the People’s Choice Community Achievement awards! Both of these initiatives directly support Harvest market and our members and thus your community, so click those links and get voting...
by rhys | Sep 1, 2021 | Harvest Recipes
Featuring Produce/Products From: Mr. Brown and Town’s, West Tamar Fungi, Hillwood Fresh Food Co. Red Cow Organics Tamar Valley Pasteurised EggsEden Garden Microfarm I love omelette. Love it. I’ve served literally thousands and still love it. The French say omelette is...
by rhys | Aug 20, 2021 | Harvest Blog Archive
We’re always excited to meet new Harvesters! This week we have the pleasure of introducing Hazelnuts on Hythe, who’ll be furnishing us with hazelnuts and saffron for our enjoyment. Delicious! Bring the noise! We know you love the vibe the SOMA...